Here it is, the moment that for months I alternated between feeling would never come and dreading the day it did. June 4th was always just a date I prebooked a couple of weeks after I got here, never really thinking about what would happen when it did. Of all my experiences in Italy, the main thought that remains is that I have been incredibly, undescribably blessed more than my wildest dreams. More than anything I want to thank my host family and friends, because I made friendships here that not only helped me to understand the world around me, but helped me understand how great it is to have people who really support you. After 8 months ( and at least 3 without a blog) I had planned to write some big, huge post about what a fantastic time I had and how thankful I was, but in the end, decided that pictures would tell the story better than I could :) I hope you enjoyed reading this this year and I can't wait to see you all again soon and to see you at home for those Americans reading :)

Dinner with my host family
When the Belgians came to visit for an exchange
Us in London
4B in Paris
Ascoli around Christmas time
New Austrian and Italian friends
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